The month of February and Valentines Day brings a celebration of love and stirs couples to rekindle feelings of romance and devotion. Not so different from young couples are aging seniors, celebrating memories of sweethearts and romance in days gone by. Sit a while with a senior couple and they will soon be telling you their romance story or listen to a widow or widower as they sing their favorite love song from their youth.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s can rob senior minds of many of these treasured memories, changing their personality and life style. Because of these and other illnesses, many seniors end up in nursing homes or care facilities where only their basic physical needs are cared for by the facility staff. To these seniors, Valentines Day becomes no different from every other day. They often find it difficult to relive memories of the past. In one care facility a sign placed lovingly over a patient’s bed reads, “I Am Somebody’s Sweetheart,” as if to say I once dreamed, lived and loved, please treat me kindly.
When asked how she relates to those she cares for, nurse assistant Karen W. replies that most of the time it's those patients who are causing a disturbance or may be in danger of harming themselves who are the ones that get her attention. Even then she can only take care of the immediate problem. Very seldom has she time to personally get to know well all the elderly people she cares for.
Although this is true with many facilities, the need for more personalized care is, in some cases, being recognized. Assisted living facilities with specialized memory care programs -- some using art, music and dance or physical activities -- are finding great success with increasing the quality of life for those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. Many care facilities across the nation are adding these programs to better serve their residents.
If you cannot find a facility in your area that provides this special attention, home care may be a better option.
Consider this real experience. When Nora would visit her father in the nursing home she would find him sitting, slumped over and disinterested in his surroundings. By the time she and her young children finished their visit, he was alert and talking to them. Feeling he would do better in her home environment, Nora enlisted the services of a Geriatric Care Manager to evaluate her father and determine what would be needed for his care at home so that he could get the social stimulation that he needed.
A Geriatric Care Manager can be a valuable asset to family members when it becomes necessary to look at alternatives for their loved one's long term care. They work with all members of the family in educating about resources and making decisions. Some services provided are.
•Make an assessment about the type of care need
•Develop a care plan for care both current and future care
•Work with physicians in getting medical support
•Find home care services that work with the families needs
•Provide assistance with legal and financial issues
Appropriate home care services are also often necessary when a change in environment is called for. Home care services vary, depending on what is needed, and may change as caregiving requirements change in regards to the physical or mental health of the elderly person.
Types of Home Care are:
•Home health care companies: provide nurses, physical therapists, social workers and aides that assist with basic health care such as changing bandages, taking vital signs and helping with medication as well as a host of other skilled needs.
•Non-medical home providers: help with bathing, dressing, meals, ambulating, chores, errands, housekeeping and much, much more.
Home care personnel are skilled in working with the spouse and extended family members of their ailing loved one to provide needed services and support in the home. They add consistency in the care and are available in time of crisis or need to add additional services.
With help from her Geriatric Care Manager, Nora brought her father to her home for his care. The care manager worked with her father’s doctor, prescribing a physical therapist and nurse's aid to come to the home. A non-medical home care company was employed to help with daily bathing and dressing.
Another resource available to families, which is not used as often as it should be, is hospice. Hospice care is provided in the home or in a hospice facility, hospital or nursing home. When illness is terminal, hospice service is provided by a team which includes doctors, nurses, grief counselors, aides and social workers as needed. These services can be provided at no out-of-pocket cost by Medicare.
In her internet article Naomi Naierman, President and CEO of the American Hospice Foundation states:
“As a Medicare beneficiary, you are entitled to the Medicare Hospice Benefit without additional premiums. If you are enrolled in a managed care organization (MCO) you have access to this benefit, even if the MCO does not cover hospice services.
The Medicare Hospice Benefit covers the following hospice services in full:
•Skilled nursing services
•Volunteer Services
•Physician visits
•Skilled therapy
•Home health aide visits
•Medical social services
•Spiritual counseling
•Nutrition counseling
•Bereavement support for the family”
There is a growing market for care providers throughout the nation to fill the need of senior care services. Assisted living, home care and hospice care, geriatric care managers and geriatric clinics are all just part of these services. The National Care Planning Council supports family caregivers with information and resources of all types of long term care services on its website:
"Somebody’s Sweetheart" may be in need of your loving care someday and help is available to reduce your burden and ease the journey.
The Senior Society
Our focus is on seniors and the issues they face daily. We all have parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends that have reached their "Golden Years". We are committed to help them have the retirement they deserve. You will find helpful articles that will allow you to be a greater part of their life!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Senior Citizen Safety and Independence
I care about seniors. I always have because I realize the knowledge they can share with me life experiences they had that I may never encounter. Some I knew and know don’t have an impressive education background, but their life experiences are nothing you could learn in a classroom.
When talking to my elders I realize that the one thing they want to maintain more than anything is their independence. They don’t want to go to a care center. So my mission is simple – help seniors maintain their independence and stay at home. That is why I recommend using simple technology to allow them to remain at home and allow the primary caregiver or child to rest easy knowing their loved ones are safe.
My grandmother was able to live in her own home until she was in her 90’s and what allowed us peace of mind was a little pendant she wore around her neck. Every morning when she would get up she would put the pendant around her neck and if she were to fall or need help she could push the button and her doctor and family would be notified that she needed help.
This simple technology can be a life saver because most long-term injuries from a fall are due to not getting immediate care. It is also waterproof so it can be worn in the shower where there is always more of a chance of falling.
I know that I love my older family members and friends and for less than a dollar a day, allowing them to remain independent and giving me the peace of mind is priceless.
There are a number of services out there to try, but they are not all the same.

When talking to my elders I realize that the one thing they want to maintain more than anything is their independence. They don’t want to go to a care center. So my mission is simple – help seniors maintain their independence and stay at home. That is why I recommend using simple technology to allow them to remain at home and allow the primary caregiver or child to rest easy knowing their loved ones are safe.
My grandmother was able to live in her own home until she was in her 90’s and what allowed us peace of mind was a little pendant she wore around her neck. Every morning when she would get up she would put the pendant around her neck and if she were to fall or need help she could push the button and her doctor and family would be notified that she needed help.
This simple technology can be a life saver because most long-term injuries from a fall are due to not getting immediate care. It is also waterproof so it can be worn in the shower where there is always more of a chance of falling.
I know that I love my older family members and friends and for less than a dollar a day, allowing them to remain independent and giving me the peace of mind is priceless.
There are a number of services out there to try, but they are not all the same.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Protect your parents when they are alone
Your parents want their freedom and you need the peace of mind knowing they are safe. How can you get both? My grandma lived well into her 90s by herself. We could rest easy knowing that with the push of a button that was on a string around her neck she could always call for help.

assisted living,
Nursing Homes
Monday, January 31, 2011
Helping Your Older Parents Stay Happy and Healthy
by Robert Stall MD, Geriatrician
If you're fortunate enough to have one or both parents still living, you may have noticed a role reversal taking place in your relationship. Remember the days when Mom shuttled you to the doctor whenever you were sick? Now, it may be you who's driving her to her medical appointments. Perhaps you've become even more involved in managing her healthcare needs – serving as her healthcare proxy, moving her into your home to care for her, or even having to select a nursing home for her to live in.
Whatever the case, it's natural to feel challenged – and, yes, intimidated – in the role you've undertaken. But if you stay positive and proactive, you'll be in a great position to advocate for your parents' optimal care. And, really, what better way is there to say "Thank You" for all they've done for you over the years?
The following six recommendations will help you understand what may be happening to your parents as they age – and what you can do to help.
1. Stay vigilant to sudden changes.
Typically, sudden changes arise from sudden problems. Your elderly father who becomes confused one week but was alert and oriented the week before, or becomes unsteady walking and starts falling, is likely experiencing an acute problem – an infection, medication side effect, or perhaps, a heart attack or stroke.
If you pay attention to your parent's baseline health and behavior, you'll be alert to sudden, and subtle, fluctuations. Being attuned to what's “normal” for your parent is critical in advocating for his care. By informing his physician of these changes, you help ensure that he receives a proper diagnosis and timely treatment – especially important in acute conditions.
2. Investigate the source of gradual decline.
Several years ago, I met an elderly woman living in a nursing home. Her family, assuming she had dementia, had moved her there after she had gradually stopped speaking.
After performing a brief procedure on her, I asked how she was doing. “I'm OK,” she replied.
A miracle? Not exactly. I'd removed bullet-sized pieces of wax from her ears. She'd stopped speaking because her ears were too plugged to hear.
A host of conditions can cause gradual decline. Before jumping to the conclusion – as many people do – that Alzheimer's disease is the culprit, recognize that your parent may be experiencing an altogether different problem: a vitamin B12 deficiency, an underactive thyroid, Parkinson's disease or depression, to name a few.
When discussing your parent's decline with her physician, make sure the two of you consider all the possibilities. To prepare for the appointment, make notes detailing how her decline has manifested itself – loss of appetite, a failing short-term memory and so forth – and how long you've noticed these changes. That way, you won't leave anything out. To help you, I've created a free checklist that either you or your parent can complete at – make sure you print or email the “Test Result Details” at the bottom of the page to analyze your responses and give you advice based on your answers.
3. Know thy parent's medicine cabinet.
Familiarize yourself with the medications your parent takes: what each one is for and how often he takes them. Make sure you notify each doctor your parent visits of all the medicine he takes, including over-the-counter products. Ask what side effects you might observe from each medication and whether it's potentially dangerous if your parent takes them together. You also want to tell the doctor whether your parent drinks alcohol or caffeinated drinks and whether he smokes, as these substances can affect some medications' efficacy and safety. To recognize which medications might cause the symptoms your parent experiences, check out .
4. Discourage ageist attitudes.
Simply put, ageism is prejudice against the elderly. It exists in many forms but can be particularly damaging to an older person's self-esteem when it assumes that all of her woes are age-related. Here are a couple of ways of expressing ageism to an elderly parent:
“What do you expect at your age?”
“You're not getting any younger.”
If you're ever tempted to utter something similar, remind yourself that by chalking up everything that ails her to her age, you sell your parent short. If she's depressed, it may have nothing to do with the fact that she's 80 and everything to do with a biological predisposition to depression. And remember that right-knee pain in a 90 year-old can't be just from age if there's no problem with her left knee. (More about Dr. Stall and a more in-depth article on the attitude of society towards medical care for the elderly can be found at )
5. Address not just symptoms—but emotions, too.
There is disease and then there is “dis-ease” – that is, a lack of ease, security or well-being. “Dis-ease” can manifest itself as myriad emotions in an elderly person: fear, grief, boredom, embarrassment and sadness among them. The fact is, these emotions can be every bit as debilitating as disease.
Take the case of a parent who's incontinent. Too embarrassed to socialize, she cuts herself off from friends. Without companionship, she becomes lonely. Instead of allowing her to become a hermit, discuss with her doctor how to address the incontinence. Together, you can consider different solutions that will ease her embarrassment and reinvigorate her social life.
6. Strive to maximize your parent's quality of life.
No matter our age, we all want to enjoy life to the fullest and have the capability to do the things we want to. Improving the enjoyment of life and a patient's functional ability are the cardinal goals of geriatric care. But you don't need a medical diploma on your wall to help your parent achieve either of those goals.
Being there to solve a problem or provide company are tremendously worthwhile services you can provide – no expertise required. Remember, as your parent gets older, his quality of life becomes more important to him than how much longer he lives. And he doesn't necessarily need medications or surgery to ensure that he's living the latter part of his life to the fullest.
If he enjoys books but has difficulty reading regular-sized type, check out sight-saving titles at the library. If he's grieving the loss of his best buddy, introduce him to new acquaintances at the senior center. If he's living in a nursing home, bring your kids there to share a meal with him.
Sometimes, it's the small gestures that have the most profound impact. As the child of an elderly parent, you are uniquely positioned to deliver these life-changing gifts.
Dr. Robert Stall is a geriatrician practicing in Tonawanda, New York and a clinical associate professor at the University of Buffalo's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. He serves as medical director and attending physician at Beechwood Homes in Getzville and Blocher Homes in Williamsville. To learn more about senior care issues, visit his website at or call 716-213-4345. For information on a new program offering balance assessment and fall prevention tips, call 716-213-0772.
If you're fortunate enough to have one or both parents still living, you may have noticed a role reversal taking place in your relationship. Remember the days when Mom shuttled you to the doctor whenever you were sick? Now, it may be you who's driving her to her medical appointments. Perhaps you've become even more involved in managing her healthcare needs – serving as her healthcare proxy, moving her into your home to care for her, or even having to select a nursing home for her to live in.
Whatever the case, it's natural to feel challenged – and, yes, intimidated – in the role you've undertaken. But if you stay positive and proactive, you'll be in a great position to advocate for your parents' optimal care. And, really, what better way is there to say "Thank You" for all they've done for you over the years?
The following six recommendations will help you understand what may be happening to your parents as they age – and what you can do to help.
1. Stay vigilant to sudden changes.
Typically, sudden changes arise from sudden problems. Your elderly father who becomes confused one week but was alert and oriented the week before, or becomes unsteady walking and starts falling, is likely experiencing an acute problem – an infection, medication side effect, or perhaps, a heart attack or stroke.
If you pay attention to your parent's baseline health and behavior, you'll be alert to sudden, and subtle, fluctuations. Being attuned to what's “normal” for your parent is critical in advocating for his care. By informing his physician of these changes, you help ensure that he receives a proper diagnosis and timely treatment – especially important in acute conditions.
2. Investigate the source of gradual decline.
Several years ago, I met an elderly woman living in a nursing home. Her family, assuming she had dementia, had moved her there after she had gradually stopped speaking.
After performing a brief procedure on her, I asked how she was doing. “I'm OK,” she replied.
A miracle? Not exactly. I'd removed bullet-sized pieces of wax from her ears. She'd stopped speaking because her ears were too plugged to hear.
A host of conditions can cause gradual decline. Before jumping to the conclusion – as many people do – that Alzheimer's disease is the culprit, recognize that your parent may be experiencing an altogether different problem: a vitamin B12 deficiency, an underactive thyroid, Parkinson's disease or depression, to name a few.
When discussing your parent's decline with her physician, make sure the two of you consider all the possibilities. To prepare for the appointment, make notes detailing how her decline has manifested itself – loss of appetite, a failing short-term memory and so forth – and how long you've noticed these changes. That way, you won't leave anything out. To help you, I've created a free checklist that either you or your parent can complete at – make sure you print or email the “Test Result Details” at the bottom of the page to analyze your responses and give you advice based on your answers.
3. Know thy parent's medicine cabinet.
Familiarize yourself with the medications your parent takes: what each one is for and how often he takes them. Make sure you notify each doctor your parent visits of all the medicine he takes, including over-the-counter products. Ask what side effects you might observe from each medication and whether it's potentially dangerous if your parent takes them together. You also want to tell the doctor whether your parent drinks alcohol or caffeinated drinks and whether he smokes, as these substances can affect some medications' efficacy and safety. To recognize which medications might cause the symptoms your parent experiences, check out .
4. Discourage ageist attitudes.
Simply put, ageism is prejudice against the elderly. It exists in many forms but can be particularly damaging to an older person's self-esteem when it assumes that all of her woes are age-related. Here are a couple of ways of expressing ageism to an elderly parent:
“What do you expect at your age?”
“You're not getting any younger.”
If you're ever tempted to utter something similar, remind yourself that by chalking up everything that ails her to her age, you sell your parent short. If she's depressed, it may have nothing to do with the fact that she's 80 and everything to do with a biological predisposition to depression. And remember that right-knee pain in a 90 year-old can't be just from age if there's no problem with her left knee. (More about Dr. Stall and a more in-depth article on the attitude of society towards medical care for the elderly can be found at )
5. Address not just symptoms—but emotions, too.
There is disease and then there is “dis-ease” – that is, a lack of ease, security or well-being. “Dis-ease” can manifest itself as myriad emotions in an elderly person: fear, grief, boredom, embarrassment and sadness among them. The fact is, these emotions can be every bit as debilitating as disease.
Take the case of a parent who's incontinent. Too embarrassed to socialize, she cuts herself off from friends. Without companionship, she becomes lonely. Instead of allowing her to become a hermit, discuss with her doctor how to address the incontinence. Together, you can consider different solutions that will ease her embarrassment and reinvigorate her social life.
6. Strive to maximize your parent's quality of life.
No matter our age, we all want to enjoy life to the fullest and have the capability to do the things we want to. Improving the enjoyment of life and a patient's functional ability are the cardinal goals of geriatric care. But you don't need a medical diploma on your wall to help your parent achieve either of those goals.
Being there to solve a problem or provide company are tremendously worthwhile services you can provide – no expertise required. Remember, as your parent gets older, his quality of life becomes more important to him than how much longer he lives. And he doesn't necessarily need medications or surgery to ensure that he's living the latter part of his life to the fullest.
If he enjoys books but has difficulty reading regular-sized type, check out sight-saving titles at the library. If he's grieving the loss of his best buddy, introduce him to new acquaintances at the senior center. If he's living in a nursing home, bring your kids there to share a meal with him.
Sometimes, it's the small gestures that have the most profound impact. As the child of an elderly parent, you are uniquely positioned to deliver these life-changing gifts.
Dr. Robert Stall is a geriatrician practicing in Tonawanda, New York and a clinical associate professor at the University of Buffalo's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. He serves as medical director and attending physician at Beechwood Homes in Getzville and Blocher Homes in Williamsville. To learn more about senior care issues, visit his website at or call 716-213-4345. For information on a new program offering balance assessment and fall prevention tips, call 716-213-0772.
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Financial Health of Aging Seniors
With our current economic challenges, those of us looking forward to retirement need to be well-informed about our financial needs in coming years. And not only pre-retirees, but individuals already in retirement need to be wise to the changing economic environment. The good news is there are trained professionals who keep abreast of changes in the current economy, changes in laws and changes in government programs for the elderly. Professionals in this field are equipped to handle everything from help with retirement savings accounts, investment advice, guidance on government programs, estate planning or even new funding options such as reverse mortgages. A little planning prior to retirement will allow you to maintain your current lifestyle; whereas, a lack of planning may require you to live on an extremely tight budget. For those already retired, taking time right now to deal with financial problems instead of waiting for a crisis to happen is well advised.
A large number of retired individuals feel that they have planned well for the future only to find that rising medical costs, damage done to investment portfolios (by the current economy) and many other factors have caused them to go into debt. According to an article in "USA Today" seniors are racking up debt like never before. Elderly individuals who are in debt live with a constant burden over their heads. Most of these people are on fixed incomes and have no way of paying off credit cards and home equity loans that continue to mount to cover household budget deficits. In order to meet ongoing payments, seniors often forego purchasing medications and skimp on food budgets. They live like hermits -- never going out and pinching every penny -- in order to pay their obligations.
Most of these people worked hard their entire lives and managed their debt. They never anticipated the rising costs of prescriptions, expensive medical care or depletion of savings by living too long. The good news is there is help for these individuals. Here are just a few examples of some relief options that could be available. There are many more besides these.
Reverse mortgages - A Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs), also known as a reverse mortgage, is a risk-free way of tapping into home equity without creating monthly payments and without requiring the money to be paid back during a person's lifetime. Instead of making payments the cash flow is reversed and the senior receives payments from the bank. Thus the title "reverse mortgage". For those seniors who are less fortunate financially but own a home, a reverse mortgage can allow them to remain in the home by creating extra income.
Life settlements -- A life settlement enables older individuals, businesses and other organizations to sell life insurance policies they currently own – but no longer want or need – for an amount greater than the cash surrender value. In some cases the value can be 2-3 times the cash surrender value. Even some term life insurance policies with a conversion option to permanent coverage can qualify for a life settlement.
Government Programs -- Some government programs such as food stamps provide temporary financial help for food. Other programs provide subsidized housing, help with medical expenses and provide tax credits. For veterans there is free health care, inexpensive prescriptions and disability income. Area agencies on aging offer individual counseling, legal help and advice with Medicare costs. (National Care Planning Council)
For some, living on a fixed income and dealing with debt can be an overwhelming burden. There are knowledgeable professionals and debt relief strategies that can assist in easing this burden. The National Care Planning Council keeps a list of financial advisers and attorneys who specialize in this area of planning at
A large number of retired individuals feel that they have planned well for the future only to find that rising medical costs, damage done to investment portfolios (by the current economy) and many other factors have caused them to go into debt. According to an article in "USA Today" seniors are racking up debt like never before. Elderly individuals who are in debt live with a constant burden over their heads. Most of these people are on fixed incomes and have no way of paying off credit cards and home equity loans that continue to mount to cover household budget deficits. In order to meet ongoing payments, seniors often forego purchasing medications and skimp on food budgets. They live like hermits -- never going out and pinching every penny -- in order to pay their obligations.
Most of these people worked hard their entire lives and managed their debt. They never anticipated the rising costs of prescriptions, expensive medical care or depletion of savings by living too long. The good news is there is help for these individuals. Here are just a few examples of some relief options that could be available. There are many more besides these.
Reverse mortgages - A Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs), also known as a reverse mortgage, is a risk-free way of tapping into home equity without creating monthly payments and without requiring the money to be paid back during a person's lifetime. Instead of making payments the cash flow is reversed and the senior receives payments from the bank. Thus the title "reverse mortgage". For those seniors who are less fortunate financially but own a home, a reverse mortgage can allow them to remain in the home by creating extra income.
Life settlements -- A life settlement enables older individuals, businesses and other organizations to sell life insurance policies they currently own – but no longer want or need – for an amount greater than the cash surrender value. In some cases the value can be 2-3 times the cash surrender value. Even some term life insurance policies with a conversion option to permanent coverage can qualify for a life settlement.
Government Programs -- Some government programs such as food stamps provide temporary financial help for food. Other programs provide subsidized housing, help with medical expenses and provide tax credits. For veterans there is free health care, inexpensive prescriptions and disability income. Area agencies on aging offer individual counseling, legal help and advice with Medicare costs. (National Care Planning Council)
For some, living on a fixed income and dealing with debt can be an overwhelming burden. There are knowledgeable professionals and debt relief strategies that can assist in easing this burden. The National Care Planning Council keeps a list of financial advisers and attorneys who specialize in this area of planning at
9 Things you should know before getting a Reverse Mortgage with ANY company!
The reverse mortgage program... take a look in your mailbox and count the number of advertisements that you received today. 3,5 maybe more? So how do you choose? How do you make sure that you will get the best information, the most money and the best service? Every company says the exact same thing. Let me help you filter out the noise and give you the tools to ask the right questions. Email me and request your "Consumer Awareness Guide - 9 things you should know before getting a reverse mortgage with ANY company".
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Reverse Mortgage Specialist Says You Don't Have Enough Equity.
Many people call me and find out that they don't have enough equity in their home, either because of falling home prices or a large mortgage, to obtain a Reverse Mortgage without having to bring some cash to the table. While they qualify (older than 61 and homeowner) they will have to reduce their mortgage before being able to complete the Reverse Mortgage. I want to share with you a situation that will illustrate how a Reverse Mortgage and a retirement account can work together to a greater benefit.
People often wouldn't even consider their other retirement account and how it could even become a bigger benefit than it already is by "merging" it with a Reverse Mortgage.
Lets look at a situation where a couple has a monthly payment of $1,800 on a $180,000 mortgage. Due to the value of their home going down in value they need to bring around $50,000 in cash to close the loan.
So lets look at what happens when the client takes $50,000 of retirement cash flow and puts it into a Reverse Mortgage. They no longer have a monthly mortgage payment resulting it their cash flow increasing immediately by $1,800. To make up the $50,000 of cash flow they spent it will take 2.3 years of an extra monthly cash flow of $1,800 (not taking into account the interest minus the taxes of the retirement account)to make up the $50,000 and at that point no more monthy mortgage payments as long as they live in the home.
Leaving it the way it is, you have the $50,000 but you will be paying the mortgage for at least the next 10 years which equals about $216,000.
These are just rough numbers and there are other factors to take into consideration, so give me a call and we can run the numbers and decide which route makes the most sense as you chart your financial future.
Troy Freesemann
(866) 800-0280
People often wouldn't even consider their other retirement account and how it could even become a bigger benefit than it already is by "merging" it with a Reverse Mortgage.
Lets look at a situation where a couple has a monthly payment of $1,800 on a $180,000 mortgage. Due to the value of their home going down in value they need to bring around $50,000 in cash to close the loan.
So lets look at what happens when the client takes $50,000 of retirement cash flow and puts it into a Reverse Mortgage. They no longer have a monthly mortgage payment resulting it their cash flow increasing immediately by $1,800. To make up the $50,000 of cash flow they spent it will take 2.3 years of an extra monthly cash flow of $1,800 (not taking into account the interest minus the taxes of the retirement account)to make up the $50,000 and at that point no more monthy mortgage payments as long as they live in the home.
Leaving it the way it is, you have the $50,000 but you will be paying the mortgage for at least the next 10 years which equals about $216,000.
These are just rough numbers and there are other factors to take into consideration, so give me a call and we can run the numbers and decide which route makes the most sense as you chart your financial future.
Troy Freesemann
(866) 800-0280
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