The Reverse Mortgage has been around for some time and now most people have heard something about them. We have heard they are the best things for seniors and we have also heard that they are the worst things for seniors. In fact I think that both of the reports are accurate because it depends on each individuals situation.
When we go to a doctor for a yearly check up we aren’t always sick or feeling bad, but just want to make sure that if there is something we are missing that we can catch it early and make adjustments to avoid future problems. We also might learn about new procedures or advances that can eliminate some challenges that we have learned to live with. Of course, if a challenge is more than the doctor is trained for he will send you to a specialist.
We can find a lot of medical information in the news, on the internet and almost everywhere you turn. Even with all of this information we could sort through I don’t believe we would skip our yearly exam and rely on the information we read. With every report contradicting each other and not knowing the source or reliability of the information using it to self diagnose or treat could prove to be very dangerous.
If you agree with that, why would you self diagnose your personal financial situation without sitting down with a “financial doctor”? My area of expertise is reverse mortgages and that’s all I do, because I want to specialize. Maybe you have read all kinds of information about the reverse mortgage and self diagnosed that its not for you. Well you may be right, but what if you are wrong? Wouldn’t the prudent thing to do is visit with a specialist that can give you a full education and understanding? You will either confirm your suspicions that it isn’t for you or find out something that you didn’t know and realize it might just be what you are looking for. Either way you will be better for taking the time.
If a reverse mortgage isn’t for you, I will tell you and if I know of another financial specialist that might help you in your situation, I will refer you to them. I spend most of my day educating people on the misconceptions about the industry and I fear there are a lot of people that could use this product, but are self diagnosing themselves out of the market because of bad reporting and the perpetuation of reverse mortgage misconceptions. Please take the time to talk to an expert…get things in writing and make sure the reverse mortgage specialist answers ALL of your questions in a way that is easy to understand.
Good luck and wishing you physical, mental and financial health